Sunday, October 19, 2008


"Life" gets busy. Isn't it crazy how weeks go by so quickly. I can't believe October is almost over. Working has completely changed my concept of time, and it makes you realize how much time you waste. It also makes you appreciate the time you're given to rest.

The weather has been wonderful lately, and it feels like we're having a small piece of fall. I got to be outside a lot this weekend, and it was so refreshing to peacefully sit and drink in the beauty of the lake and the arboretum.

My friend Heather has been in town since my birthday. She's Australian, and we met in France this summer. How cool that 3 months ago we had never met, and now she's spending all fall in the states seeing me and other friends. It's been refreshing and encouraging to have her here, and to give me a constant perspective on Dallas, coming with an outside view of this crazy city.

The Lord is good, and He is daily giving me peace and asking me to seek Him alone. Through some books, some conversations, and just through the little things, I am seeing that the Lord just wants us, all of us, and He wants us to passionately and intimately seek him. He doesn't want rules and actions and performance, but he wants us, and all of our mess.

It's so hard, to live life and to follow Jesus with all we have. How does this work? How do we live? Jesus give us desire to seek you above any other little thing.

I'm starting the Divine Conspiracy; Kimbo read it and loved it, so it moved up on my list. After reading only 3 pages, I already had to stop and think over some words.

"Jesus himself described his words as 'spirit and life'. They invade our 'real world' with a reality even more real than it is, which explains why human beings then and now have to protect themselves against them." Jesus, feed us your words, and give us life.

- Our bible study leader at NW Bible, Jody, had us for brunch on Saturday. In our bible study, there are four 60 yr olds, a few late twenties girls, and the rest of us just graduated in May. It's awesome. I feel blessed to listen to them each week.
- Perspectives is really cool. We are learning about the history of the Gospel being spread since the bible was finished. All the martyrs, all the missionaries, all the revolutionaries... i am more and more humbled that I even have a tiny place in this huge story.
- Work is getting better. I had the chance to hang out with co-workers out of the office this week. It's still hard, to get over my pride and invest in this place, and to be joyful about working. God humble me and make me obedient.
- I'm going to south dallas with Evan on Thursdays to help out with a teen bible study. I'm pumped, and am praying for the time and the ability to fully invest.

By His grace, the Lord is starting to tear about the compartmentalization in my life. I'm tired of feeling spread across different activities, between work and friends and "church"... I desire to constantly be in community and be living for Jesus with every breath. I fail so often. Jesus pull me away from comfort and lead me to the life you have planned for me.

Until next time friends.

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