Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a year.

"Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace."

God's grace. It's honestly something I've never felt this deeply.

I went into teaching thinking, "Wow, God's just gonna use me, and the gifts He gave me, to motivate and love these students." Yes. Hopefully He has done/is doing that. But I think He's laughing, because most of the journey this year has been for my own sanctification.

Each day is a huge challenge, and by the end of the day I am deeply grateful that the Lord got me through it, and gave me HIS love and patience. Without it, I would turn into crazy/mean/bipolar teacher in a second. These kids are hard to love out of my flesh, because i can't "fix" them.

But whenever I am reminded of God's purpose there, and His perspective, and the fact that HE can move past all barriers and challenges in the classroom, the day becomes so much brighter. It's like a load is lifted off my shoulders. "Kristen, my power is made perfect in your weaknesses." Weaknesses that I've never seen so easily until I'm standing in front of 30 overly-critical teens.

God has affirmed me daily, and it's been an awesome year overall. There have been days, though, where I've just felt extremely discouraged. Mostly selfishly discouraged, and frustrated with kids and situations that aren't going the way I want. Instead, God is showing me how to be a light in a secular school. He is peeling away at my weaknesses and ugliness. In God's mercy, He's brought me out of the pit, and shown me His grace even more. Praise God, that He can be made more powerful when I'm broken and moldable!

Looking back on the year I'm overwhelmed at God's provision. A year ago today I was starting my teaching journey. Tonight, I finished everything for my certification. It's 5 weeks til summer. I'm grateful. :)

God is truly good, and He really does know what is best. May we seek Him, and seek to glorify Him in everything that we do.

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