Monday, October 12, 2009

reflections on teaching.

7 weeks down already. Here are some thoughts and reflections on this thing called teaching, so far.

- 8th graders are completely consumed with what is going on with their friends. They can't really see past the next big social event, or after school when they'll talk with their friends. This makes trying to talk about any type of "future" almost impossible. Or make math relevant.
- Based on point #1, those who are left without friends are left in a very lonely predicament.
- Based on the above points, I love standing in the halls between passing periods, and just watching. Middle school is such an awkward time; some of these kids look like they should be in 2nd grade, and some look like they've already graduated high school.
- I thought I was organized. Then I started teaching. I'll get better next year, but there's so much to keep up with.
- My students pay very close attention to what I wear. One day this girl said, "Oh miss, you're finally wearing heels!" I said, "You notice what I wear?" She said, "Of course!"
- No matter what, they would all rather talk about something else, anything else, besides MATH each day. When I try to talk about something relevant to them at the beginning of class, it's really hard to focus back to linear relationships or rational numbers.
- Love is in the air. Notes passing, hugs in the hall, lots of giggling.... They are so concerned with who likes who... (ahem), I mean who LOVES who. It is honestly hilarious to watch.

The hardest thing I've learned is that I really have no right teaching these kids. I'm not disciplined. I'm not even that knowledgeable. The things I discipline them for, I have done or still do. How do I do this? How do I not focus on the tasks that need to be "done" each day, and instead look at these kids as people deeply in need of the love of Christ?

As 8th graders, they need structure. They need routine. And they need love and respect built into those.

Is it any different for us? Does the Lord not give us structure, while also unconditionally loving and forgiving us as we forget and mess up EACH DAY?

Be encouraged that no matter where we are for the 9-5, we are very purposefully placed there by God's divine intent. He says that all the days He had for us were ordained, before even one of them began. Before we were born.

Remind us Lord, that each day is about You working in us! Not you doing things "for" us, or us "doing" things. Give us opportunities to love people and open our eyes to them.

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