Monday, February 2, 2009

matthew 23:26

"You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean."

this verse has been on my mind a lot lately. i don't want to add much to it because it is so powerful. to think about how much time we spend on how we look, how we appear to others... compared to how much time we truly spend dwelling before Jesus and allowing him to transform our hearts.

Jesus has been allowing me that time this year, often against my will, and he is showing me that His full presence in my heart is 100 times more fulfilling and full of his LIFE than any other desire fulfilled. all external things will naturally be transformed as our hearts are.

this simple message always sounded simple because i don't think i ever really lived it until now. it hurts when He shows you things about yourself that are just ugly, but his power in our ugliness is beautiful. it's the message of grace.

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